Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Michael Leunig cartoon “My Former Self” Essay

Leunig deeply values the truth and he questions why people feel that the truth is never good enough. Leunig acknowledges the difference between who we want to be and who we are, he suggests that people strive to unrealistic expectations concerning career, image, relationships etc. and by lying to themselves and everyone around they lose the importance of the truth. Personally I agree that people try so hard to appear how it is thought they should and to be successful, they lose their inner self and who they are. I think that we can get caught up in the race to the top and we end up living a lie about who we really are and what we really value. In Leunigs cartoon My Former Self he suggests people are trying to rid themselves of flaws, recreating themselves to better suit society, sacrificing happiness, disguising themselves to better fit what they want, and some people are even embarrassed of who they really are. Therefore it is presumable that Leunig believes lies are controlling and overpowering peoples values in life. It is shown through Leunigs cartoon, that imperfections are not a respected part of our lives, and people feel that they should do whatever they can to get rid of any flaws. Leunig sees everyone to be striving for perfection, not letting anything get in the way. In the cartoon My Former Self the character goes to the extent of burying the flaws he believes he has. The character recites the imperfections he has insulting his former self as he goes. This is supporting Leunigs view has that people do not accept their own weaknesses or faults as part of their ideal selves. Instead they feel the need to cover or remove them. According to Leunig the desire to be perfect is continually creating lies. In Leunigs cartoon My Former Self it is evident that people are not happy with themselves the way they are and they are willing to go as far as recreating themselves to better suit society. Leunig suggests that some people want to be flawless so badly, they recreate themselves over and over again, lying about who they are, to better suit the values of perfection inflicted upon us. Leunig cartoon states that people can be as silly as creating a funeral for themselves so they can reinvent their personality traits, Leunig shows this through his cartoon My Former Self where a man wearing black is explaining to another man that he is attending the funeral  of his former self, he goes on to describe the flaws of the person he used to be. This segment of the cartoon clearly demonstrates that Leunig does not see the need in sacrificing yourself to be a better person, and by doing so you are lying to yourself and everyone around you about who you really are. When we put so much effort into becoming what we think we want, we sacrifice happiness. It is a constant battle to hide ourselves and it just doesnt seem worth it. Leunig believes that we should not have to pretend to be something were not in order to be happy, it should come naturally. Within the cartoon, this sacrifice for happiness is evident in the illustrations. The whole time the character is talking about his former self, his expression is dim. But as soon as his former self clambers out of the hole, his expression changes and he looks happy. He also refers to his former self as a grinning fool, but why would he grin if he werent happy that way? We are at our happiest when we are being ourselves. Through this cartoon, Leunig is stating that no one should have to pretend to be something theyre not just to be happy, it should come naturally. People lie through their appearances by disguising themselves in a number of ways, hiding what they dont want known. They can disguise how they act, talk, dress etc. to appear different from what they really are. Leunig draws attention to the fact that we sometimes change the outer image of ourselves eg. the way we dress, to change the perception people have of us. Within My Former Self A man is dressed in black because he is attending a funeral, the black attire is supposed to be projecting his emotions of being sombre to anyone looking at him, but when he is questioned on why he is wearing black, he replies that the outer person is sometimes opposite to the inner person, contradicting the message his outer person is sending. Deep down he is happy to be burying his inner self because he was embarrassed by it. He is lying about his emotions, he is not in mourning or upset. He is wearing black because that is what society says you should do at a funeral, it is not how he feels inside. This disconnection between the inner and outer person is another example of leunigs views on the lies we tell and that even when they are not spoken, they can still be intentional and misleading. Leunig has realised that due to the desire to be perfect, people are embarrassed of themselves because of what they think to be flaws. Leunig questions this embarrassment, because the flaws are only human and why should we be embarrassed about who we are? He has portrayed his views through the cartoon My Former Self. There are two sections of the cartoon strip where the character refers to his embarrassment; the first is where he is continuing to insult himself and he refers to himself as the badly designed, embarrassing mess and the second is when his former self is returning and he says to the man with him forgive me, this is so embarrassing. He is ashamed of things that should not matter, like being badly designed. This example is suggesting that we lie to cover things up that are not even worth worrying about. Both these instances support the generalisation that to avoid the embarrassment of imperfection, we lie. Leunigs strong value of truth is demonstrated in his cartoon My Former Self. He has drawn attention to some of the ways people lie everyday, they are constantly trying to rid themselves of flaws, people are recreating themselves to better suit society, are sacrificing happiness, they are disguising themselves to better fit what they want, and some people are even embarrassed of who they really are. In conclusion Leunigs cartoon supports the notion that a lie is a constant battle that isnt worth fighting because the truth is always stronger. His final message within this cartoon is that no matter how many lies you tell, and no matter how far you push your inner person away, the truth will always come out. Bibliography: Goatperson, Michael Leunig

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Literacy and the Politics of Education Essay

This article, Literacy and the Politics of Education written by C.H Knoblauch was written to express his feelings on how America is becoming illiterate ever since a new era of technology was introduced in 1960. Knoblauch believes that the few who are literate will succeed in life, and that the rest of general society who are illiterate will have trouble finding success in their future endeavors. He has taken on this subject because of his frustration on his fellow peers, and their lack of motivation to excel in literacy. He uses repetition to stress the fact that we need to become more literate to succeed in today’s society. Knoblauch uses articles from various writings of other literate authors to help get his point across. He goes into detail explaining in order for society as a whole to succeed in life that it starts with the success of each individual’s literacy. Knoblauch explains how other totalitarian countries keep their strength by keeping the majority less knowledgeable about literacy. Dictators, of such countries are literate, and keep that privilege from the citizens of that country, because if the people of the country were as literate as the dictator himself/herself then the people would have the power to over through such dictator. Knoblauch uses all of these examples to point out and stress the importance of literacy and writing in the world today, and stresses that without the know-how of reading and writing we will not succeed.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Monetary Policy in the US Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Monetary Policy in the US - Assignment Example In order to overcome this problem, it is recommended that the policy implementation shall be incremental in nature with built in mechanisms to set threshold levels to trigger automatic responses where policy do not seem to deliver the desired monetary policy outcomes. Open market operations is one of the most frequently used tools that is being exercised by any central bank including FED. Open market operations basically involve the buying and selling of securities in open market in order to achieve the different monetary policy outcomes. Open Market Operations tend to provide an opportunity to FED to affect the banking system in following manner: 1. Affecting interest rates: through open market operations, FED basically mop out or in the liquidity within the banking system. By buying the securities, FED basically increase the supply of loanable funds thus interest rates tend to go down for short term period whereas by selling the securities, the liquidity is decreased which than increase the interest rates. 2. Controlling the volume of Credit: Through open market operations, FED basically increase or decrease the volume of credit as it either suck in the excess liquidity from the market or pump in new funds into the system. Through both methods, the overall extent of loanable funds can be increased or decreased in order to achieve the monetary policy objectives of the firm. 3. Open market operations also tend to affect the bank deposits because by floating securities in the market, FED basically take out funds from the banks which indirectly affect the deposits of the banks. Banks are required to keep a certain percentage of their funds as reserve with the FED in order to meet the uncertainties. FED can increase or decrease this percentage with the passage of time and according to the economic situation. Further banks can also borrow from the one window facility at the FED and the rate charged by FED on such funds is called discount rate.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Effects of the Cold War on the Middle East Essay

The Effects of the Cold War on the Middle East - Essay Example The condition for the communism’ triumph was to bring the whole world under communist rule, whereas the West’s target was to thwart the threat of communism. Eventually with the dissolution of the former Soviet Union, the West had been able to destroy the main drive of expansionist communism. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the remnants of communism were no more threat to the capitalist world. Thus the US-led west proved itself to be the true claimant of communism. Yet the United States’ success to eliminate the threat of communism through the dissolution of the Soviet Union perpetuates the debate on whether the United States as a superpower can, decidedly, declare its authority unchallenged. From a different perspective the Cold War can be viewed as the superpowers’ conflicts of interests. In plain eye, on the Soviet Union’s part, the war was a fight of idealism and on the United States’ part, it was a moral defense against expansionist c ommunism. But beneath both these moralist and idealist apparels lies the superpowers’ contest for a superior position in international politics. Through the Soviet Union’s dissolution in 1989, the threat from the communist front simply changed its platform from the communist block to the Islamic block and the Cold War turns into â€Å"War on Terror†. Indeed the threat from the extremist Islamists was one of the direct derivatives of the Cold War. Since even after the Cold War, the United States had to face additional Islamic threat, once watered by the Reagan Administration, one can deem that the US did not really win the War; rather the communist just lost it. A Brief Overview of the Cold War The Cold War can be defined as the conflicts of interests between the two superpowers, the United States of America and the Soviet Union, in the post Second World War period. It existed from 1947 to 1991. After the Second World War, the US President Franklin D. Roosevelt d id not need the Soviet support any more to win over Japan after testing the atomic bomb, ensuing the 50 years long Cold War. Thus, the Yalta Conference in the Crimea, Soviet Union, in February 1945 between the â€Å"Big Three† allies of the Second World War was one such event that structured the start of the Cold War (â€Å"The Cold War† 1). Though during the Cold War, ideological, political, economic and military tensions existed at an extreme level, the superpowers did not become involved in any direct war. Rather their military involvements were confined to proxy wars in various geographical regions of interests. Nuclear arm race between the two main parties of the war, the USA and the Soviet Union, began as a response to the superpowers’ desire to overpower each other. During the period, the world experienced a worldwide regrouping of the countries into the US block and the Soviet block. This regrouping in the Soviet block was mainly based on the Marxist pol itical ideology of Communism, whereas capitalism and democratic interests dominated the countries in the US block. This regroupings in both of the blocks often turned into expansionism and counter-expansionism. (Schweizer, 1994, pp. 69-74) Reagan’s Policy to Win the Cold War Reagan’s policy towards the Soviet Union can significantly be marked as a dual approach in the sense that on one hand Reagan’s administration chose to provide both overt and covert support to anti-communist communities and guerrilla movements in order to â€Å"roll back† â€Å"Soviet-backed communist governments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America† (D'Souza, 2003) and on the other hand, it put effort on growing an intimate, but cautious, relationship

Saturday, July 27, 2019


GENE THERAPY (VIRAL AND NON-VIRAL VECTORS) - Essay Example HVS (Harpes Simplex Virus Vector) happens to be the most complex as well as the largest among all viruses under development for gene therapy with one of its features of importance being that it has a capacity that is able to carry he fragments for foreign DNA (Mohammed, Al-Dosari1, & Xiang 2009). Hybrid vectors- in demand for better vectors, most researchers are trying to combine significant features of distinct viruses in hybrid vectors. Among the fascinating hybrids brings together the site specific integration machine for wild type AAV together with the nuclear targeting as well as efficient internalization properties of adenovirus (Clare, Anja, & Mark 2003). There seems to be a bright future for vectors given that vectors development within the past several years has encouraging results. Less immunogenic vectors have been deleted through creation of new gene production systems that are efficient. The haematopietic cells’ ex vivo transduction has been improved in its efficiency. The in vivo trans-gene expression has been improved in its efficiency and specificity by means of tissue specific optimization as well as inducible promoters. There has been expansion of vector tropisms repertoire as well as pre-existing immune responses evasion by developing alternative viral serotypes (Clare, Anja, & Mark 2003). Several applications of gene therapy look promising in clinical early phase trial for instance haemophilia B treatment by use of rAAV, vascular and coronary artery disease treatment by use of viral vectors and certain kinds of cancer treatment by use of â€Å"conditionally replicating ecolytic viruses† (Kenneth & Teni 2003). Viral-vectors- Typically, viral vectors do consist of viral particles that have nucleic acid with a capseid protein covering it at least and mostly further by the structure of an envelope. In general, one or a number

Financial Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Financial Crisis - Essay Example ese institutions have wrongly assessed the level of risk of their operations and exposed their business, as well as the other stakeholders to enormous losses. This behavior was encouraged by credit rating agencies, which due to some conflicts of interest, failed in correctly judging the level of risk of many of these institutions, and downgraded some of them when it was too late to make a difference. Other cause which leaded to the collapse of the financial system was a combination of excessive borrowing, higher risk taking, and lack of transparency. Major U.S. banks failed in their assessment of risk by taking too much leverage, by providing credit too easily, and by not disclosing correctly all the information of their operations to the public. The government played also a role in this financial crisis. By not taking the appropriate actions to stop this crisis, the government only created more panic and uncertainty in the financial markets. It also failed in ensuring that regulators are doing their job objectively, and in the best interest of all parties in the financial markets. Finally, the crisis can also be attributed to mortgage securitization and to over-the-counter derivatives (mostly to credit default swaps). The complexity of these instruments, and most of all the lack of regulation in this matter caused a chained failure of the entire financial

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sustainable hospital and the healing process Annotated Bibliography

Sustainable hospital and the healing process - Annotated Bibliography Example One of the strength of the motivating programs is that its’ automation makes it easier to identify individual merits and reward them accordingly. Compliments and other recognitions should be posted there to motivate them. Communication with employees from wherever they are makes them feel part of the company as they feel more appreciated and derive a sense of belongingness. This should continue being exploited at all times. Some weaknesses have also been noted in the discussion section. One of these entails shortcomings in communication. Employees should be made part of the decision-making team to ensure they feel obligated to work for a hospital. A hospital should also outsource some required services especially in recruitment programs to allow them cope with the challenges fostered by motivation programs. Abstract - The study recognizes that the concept of design has an effect on a patient's healing process. In the study, substantial evidence presents that the design of medical institutes influence the health outcomes of patients, as well as recruitment and retention of the hospital staff. In addition, the concept of design also affects the efficiency of how care is being provisioned. In United Kingdom, primary health and social care is being prioritized due to the ageing population of the country. Summary - The purpose of the study is to incorporate an environment that would deliver safety, efficiency and quality that is flexible to changing delivery patterns in the provision of care. Strengths - The journal article is concise, thorough and properly formatted. It began with the topic in which it aimed to discuss, which was followed by the issues and challenges that cause the need for such a topic to be tackled. The author elaborated on the existing condition of modern health care, as well as the current trends' impact on the environment and the peoples' well being. With that, the author introduced the concept of sustainability. Empirical studies that would support the information presented were included through the incorporation of best practices that are present in health care buildings, neighborhoods and cities. A succinct analysis had been applied in regards to assessing what needs to be modified, along with a proposed action plan that could help resolve existing issues in healthcare. Weaknesses - The researcher believes that the journal article has no notable weaknesses. Dyson, F. (2007.) Many colored glass: Reflections on the place of life in the universe. F reeman University of Virgina Press. Abstract - Among the several factors that can be attributed to the degradation of the environment, global warming, or the gradual increase in the earth’s temperature is one of the single most important drivers of this change. Global warming is a phenomenon perpetrated by the increase in emission of greenhouse gases. These gases are most significantly released during the burning of fossil fuels, and human beings as a group are the greatest emitters of greenhouse gases. Summary – an organization will maintain the efforts of improving its eco-friendly in all the departments by allocating more resources toward improving the sustainability. Additionally, the organization will strive to explore better

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Human resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human resources - Essay Example The application of the five functions of human resource management in organizations plays an important role in the success of any organization. Planning, staffing, directing, controlling & organizing functions advance the overall development of organizations. In the planning stage, Job design has to be conducted by arranging duties and responsibilities for the purpose of accomplishing a certain objective. Descriptions and specifications of jobs are also important in planning. HRP is the strategy of forecasting the organizations future requirements for different types of workers, their acquisitions, utilization, improvement, employee cost control, retention and supply to meet organizational needs. Employees are received through staffing function by recruiting, selecting and hiring. Employees have to be directed after recruitment. Induction, training, and development strategies are used to direct employees. Employees are controlled through the use of performance evaluation techniques t o know if they are productive for the company and if not so found out the reasons. They are then either demoted or promoted. The human resource management department finally organizes the activities of the staff to common objectives. Labor and management Relations are maintained. Staff union is organized. It focuses on the relationship between staff and management. However, the Government also involves in the said union as a third party in order to regulate this relationship by the rule of law. If I have to work for as human resource manager, Wabash Fiber Box Company, I could have simply implemented the above said Human resource functions so that I recruit 150 employees in the future and I would have prioritized and sequenced the steps as per the above said standards to set up my HR department. Management is all about planning and implementation. Implementing tasks that were not planned is hardly possible. Therefore, I could have kept and respected the sequential orders of the five functions of human resource. In the planning stage, my department would have used scientific techniques to observe past performances so that jobs are designed properly. Job descriptions would have been prepared for each job. I would have also prepared the competences, abilities, qualifications and experiences required to make sure getting the right person at the right job. I would have forecasted the organizations future requirements for different types of workers, their acquisitions, utilization, development, cost control, retention and supply to meet organizational needs as planned. I could have then attracted capable candidates to fill the vacant positions from both internal and external sources of the organization. I would have used a solid, and systematic process of selecting the right personnel at the right job. Applications sent by the candidates would have been evaluated. Interviews and tests would have been scheduled where necessary. So that I acquire the right people, I wo uld have conducted background Investigations. To know and investigate the applicant family, financial positions, Residential Background, and criminal background will ease the staff tracing procedures. Assessing the applicant’s physical fitness would have been an essential element in receiving the right personnel for the plant. Then, as an applicant is hired, letters of appointments would have been prepared, employment contracts signed as the probationary period is established. This

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Apple Tree Lane Child-Care and Nursery Centre Assignment

Apple Tree Lane Child-Care and Nursery Centre - Assignment Example After attaining the appropriate licensing, Apple Tree was established and now the facility is capable of supporting higher volume child care. The business maintains three distinct long-term objectives which are based on reputation building, the provision of quality care for all children, and expansion of the business without loss of key provisions to service quality. The complications with establishment of an appropriate marketing strategy include identification of targeting opportunities for key markets, providing a brand reputation through positioning against competitors, and identification of what constitutes quality service dimensions and service structure. This marketing plan encompasses all methods of STP, promotion, service development, quality auditing systems, and methods of differentiating the organisation from existing child care competitors in the region. 2. Segmentation, targeting and positioning Defining the market In order to develop a quality marketing effort, it is necessary to understand the dimensions of what constitutes a market. A market is a group of potential customers dispersed geographically that maintain the potential to make service purchases. To reach these individuals, it requires process planning, recognition of important elements associated with the marketing mix, and maintaining relationships to satisfy individual and organisational objectives (Boone and Kurtz 2007). Markets want to satisfy their utility needs in terms of the overall fulfilment that comes from a particular service (Boone and Kurtz). In order to gain market attention, the business must segment, which is the process of dividing a whole market into smaller, homogenous groups most willing to make purchases at Apple Tree. Once these markets have been identified, targeting occurs in which promotional materials are developed against their service demands, lifestyle, or other demographics in order to maximize profit f or those most likely to utilise the service. On the heels of these activities is positioning, which is â€Å"owning a place in the minds of consumers by concentrating on a single phrase or concept that defines the company values and purpose† (Trout 2008: 18). (b) The vitality of STP to Apple Tree STP is vital to Apple Tree in terms of cost, labour and ensuring that the best fit of potential customers is selected for utilising the service. The business wants to recruit markets that share the same values and child-rearing principles of Jefferies to avoid the need for labour training or dissatisfying consumers. Failure to follow STP models for market reach can lead to high costs of promotional materials, wasted on non-key markets and also force operational and management changes on the organisation for this business. Since Apple Tree’s longevity is centred around revenue building from direct customer transactions, it is important to identify homogenous groups that share t he same child care vision to avoid service failures or perceptions of service failure from markets that utilise the service who do not share Apple Tree vision. (c) Segmentation Jefferies will segment according to the most effective market criteria. The key, potential market availability for Apple Tree are mothers who already utilise child care services, but are constrained by locality (travelling too far). Localizing the service will provide added convenience to the service model. Another market is mothers who are currently

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Social Security Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Security Assignment - Research Paper Example The ongoing program is deemed to be insolvent by 2037 if no further additions are made to it. The problem with today’s ongoing plan is that it requires a great deal of money. As per the Washington Post report, with the passage of time the federal government will have to find additional money to cater to the needs of this plan. The present situation makes the United States unable to mobilize such a great amount by itself. So naturally, the government will be compelled either to borrowing or to raising the taxes because by the year 2027 the annual deficits of the US will have reached $200 million and by 2033, $300 million (â€Å"Whitehouse Social Security†). Even if the authorities raise the taxes to meet the expenses of the current plan, it will not be a suitable measure in the future as the costs also get increased and this will be greater than the revenue received from tax collection. In this regard, the present system of social security does not seem to be a permanent program. As Elrod reports in Senior Citizen Journal, by privatizing social security, the government puts the retirement money in the hands of the workers to invest in private retirement accounts. As a portion of their salary is retained through pay roll tax; and for this purpose it does not inflict any burden on the common people in the form of additional tax. According to Elrod, this is useful to the workers as they get a lump sum amount after retirement, and it can be invested to greater opportunities such as share market. People will have control over their personal accounts. As per the new plan, there will be no change for the existing system for people who were born before 1950. According to the new plan, employees have the opportunity to contribute towards a fund likewise thrift saving. Here the amount to be contributed by each person is decreased as he or she gets closer to the retiring age. The participants will not be allowed to access their personal accounts before they g et retired. The new plan seems to be odd when it comes to the wealth and income distribution. As for the high earning class, the new proposal is not a problem. In the US, the majority of wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few people. Majority of rich people do not receive any income from working to constitute their wealth; on the other hand, they have it from the property they own. As Domhoff points out, the upper class own 34.4% of the privately held wealth; the middle class including professionals, the managerial and small scale industrialists hold 50.5% of wealth, and at last the common people comprising the peasants, daily wagers, and salary workers own only 15% of wealth. It definitely shows that the 20% of the total population enjoys 85% of the total wealth of the nation. As the above argument maintains, the majority of the rich are not working under the public sector, social security is not a matter of concern for them. It is the lower middle class that earn income from working who need any further social security. If the working lower class is asked to set aside a portion of their monthly earning to contribute to the social security fund, it affects their living as they will find it difficult to meet the both ends. So, this new plan is going to affect none other than the lower and middle level working class. Providing social security to its subjects is the responsibility of the government. Government has to perform this function without exerting any extra burden on the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Postmodernism Essay Example for Free

Postmodernism Essay Different material, methods and media’s have been used in postmodern art, such as painting fine art, technology, architecture and fashion. A study of various types of powerful societal changes through time is tackled through art. These changes comprise of gender identity, globalisation growth, political power etc. Introduction The expression of Art has always been influential; many artists use it as a tactic to exploit political truths and ideas. Postmodernism is a â€Å"movement reacting against modernism, especially by drawing attention to former conventions† (pg821). This form of art allowed a new way of looking at reality in a society that is constantly reassessing its culture and values. Postmodern art focuses on a mixture of high and low cultures and dominant ideas; it went against repression, sexism, racism, political power, and violence. Deconstructing truths criticises and analyses contemporary issues. These deconstructionist feed on controversy, artists such as Alessandro Mendini, Andy Warhol, Jenny Holzer create colourful and ruinous, luxurious and outrageous artwork. The art allowed radical freedom to design, funny gestures confrontation and occasionally absurd. It was a style that has new self-awareness. Postmodernism rebelled against modernism; it was an attack on what had come before as it explored and disparaged any unspoken leading concepts and social customs. The disillusionment from World War II heavily influenced postmodern art. The style doesn’t have a clear central hierarchy or organising principle; it uses melancholy, extreme complexity, contradiction, ambiguity, diversity and interconnectedness. Loud colours, bold patterns, historical quotation and whit are used. During the 60s, critical practices of postmodernism were applied mainly in Italy. The idea of ‘Function follows form’ is abandoned. Exaggerated proportion and outrageous texture for the sake of decoration. Designers such as Ettore Sottsass and Alessandro Mendini who challenged social norms and the traditional taste of design. Italian born designer and architect, Alessandro Mendini played a part in postmodern design. He creates graphics, furniture, interiors, paintings and architectures. His work of ‘Destruction of the Monumento da Casa (Household Monument) is an enlarged photograph of a modernist chair. This literally displays the destroying of the past, the end of modernism and the beginning of postmodernism. It was an attack on what had come before, Mendini brought the chair to a stone quarry and set the chair on fire, photos were captured during the process in 1974. Popular culture, irony, historicism, eclecticism and pluralism are embraced by postmodernism. The artist believed that something new design would grow from the burning remains. One of the most iconic post-modern designs is the Proust armchair by Alessandro Mendini. He chose to add Signac painting as the pattern on a ready-made replica of an 18th century armchair. American language conceptual artist, Jenny Holzer is famous for her short statements. The postmodern fashion in the 80’s was a time when women were in power and this was mirrored in physicality and clothes. The artist uses modern information to expose and address the politics of discourse. The ‘Abuse of Power Comes as No Surprise’ by Hozler is one of her many controversial artworks. Jenny Hozler worked outside the regular conventions, as she believed that simplified phrases are the quickest way for everyone to comprehend. A lot of Jenny Hozler’s work victimises the woman, this method allows the audience to basically read the violence male dominance against women. Words such as ‘Crack the Pelvis so she lies right, this a mistake. When she dies you cannot repeat the act†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ the brutal yet vivid words suggest male power over women. In order to communicate to foreign countries, her work was translated multiple times. Hozler’s techniques include a range of multimedia, posters, hats, T-shirts and L. E. D signs on large architecture. She received many negative feedbacks by the public, therefore, withdrew from her career until 1993. The postmodern artist came back with a new approach to immaterial; she is still driven against murder plus sexual pleasure, hence initiated a new series named ‘Lustmord’. Fine Art is also found in post modernism. Techniques found in painting were super-realism, mannered, academic, neoclassical, decorative, and self-conscious stylization. Originality had ended and there is a lot past styles referencing. Postmodern artist, David Ligare paintings looked extremely realistic. He focused on still life painting, Ligare believes that there is no limit and virtually anything now could be considered art, hence makes him a postmodern artist. David Ligare does narrative paintings based on Greco/Toman culture. Marcel Duchamp’s artwork incorporated jokes to add humour to his visual. Duchamp has made numerous pastiche works; his most famous is the ‘L. H. O. O. Q’, which stands for ‘Elle a chaud au cul’. It was a rebel against traditional art was the dominant idea of the time. Duchamp’s added moustache and beard to the postcard with the Mona Lisa, which contradicts regular conventions of the time. He wanted to take artistry lightly; it was an act of rebel against convention. This technique became known as ‘appropriation’, it is the idea of manipulating famous historical art pieces. This practice has become common in today’s art. Andy Warhol works exemplifies the final stage of postmodernism. Warhol’s paintings had always had something controversial, as theorist Fredric Jameson states, ‘they ought to be powerful and critical political statements’ Andy Warhol is a contemporary artist, which expresses the postmodernism of society though his artistry. Through his artwork, his expression seems to be very anarchy and chaotic, especially the major use of the primary and bold colours whereas in the mainstream artistry it is very subtle due to the dark or complimentary colours which can often be seen as conservative. Warhol’s ‘Dollar Sign’ from 1981 deconstructs the truth about money. The painting suggest money’s strength, its addiction and tactic for conspiracy, His artwork were powerful and held critical political statements because they were billboard-like images. One of his pieces was of the North Korean leader, Kim John IL. Normally in society Kim John IL would not be even spoken of due to the high political power he has over North Korea. And the fragility between other nations that Kim John IL has. Andy Warhol has done a piece of this leader using contrasting and chaotic colours that seemed random and unusual. Warhol used appropriation, taking and creating pastiche references. As Andy Warhol states, â€Å"Art is what you can get away with†. Yasumasa Morimura uses humour with referencing to historical art. His postmodernist artworks have the idea of rejecting a single fixed meaning in an image or artwork. He is a controversial Japanese artist who displaces societal currents in Japanese culture. Western assimilation, capitalism and gender values are shown in his designs. Yasumasa is an illusive creator with no boundaries; this sets his work off to a guttural response. He is best known for mimicking great subjects, in particular western art. One of his works uses historical art as reference is the ‘Blinded by the Light’ 1991, which was inspired by the ‘ Parable for the Blind’ by Pieter Brueghel in 1568. Morimura symbolises a satirical message on Western invasion. Yasumasa Morimura caused controversy by highlighting historical influences and transforming into the postmodern art world with eastern and western culture, sexuality and gender identity. His background influenced Morimura’s, he was an outsider dominated by western culture and art. Technology advancement such as digital editing allowed his work to become flawless. In the racist imagination of western culture, they perceive Asian men with weak physically, equivalent to a little white girl. Morimura embraces his influences and mixes his sexual influence with modern culture. This is reflected in his series of self-portraits, e. g. Morimura as Monroe. Throughout the postmodern period, globalisation had become widespread, the artist felt as if he was invaded by foreign ideas and culture. In response, he invaded western culture through their art, by slapping his face on the Mona Lisa or the Infanta Margarita. Famous artist, Barbara Kruger exploited truths through her works of being a graphic designer, art director, and picture editor. Rather than creating her own images, she uses images and juxtaposes them. She used her techniques and skills of being a graphic designer and worked on political, social feminist provocations, religion, sex, racial and gender stereotypes, consumerism, corporate greed, and power. Her techniques consist of using media sources and words and directly collaging them over each other. Her signature look comprises of cropped, large-scale, black and white photographic pictures against black, white and red sans serif letterform. They hold raucous, pithy, ironic sayings. The poster, ‘Your Body is a battleground’ proposes the idea of re-conditioning gender stereotypes. Originally, the image was used in Washington DC to advocate a pro-choice position and reproductive rights for women. This raises the issue of power, patriarchy, stereotyping and consumption. The poster has a black and white image of a woman’s face that is split symmetrically with direct eye contact. The positive and negative space could highlight ‘good vs. bad’. Judging from the woman’s hair and makeup, she appears to be a housewife. The image represents that women cannot be sold, it illustrated a political setting and subsequently their identities are favourably polished.

Classical vs. Keynsian Economics Essay Example for Free

Classical vs. Keynsian Economics Essay There are several significant factors that differentiate Classical from Keynesian economics. Classical economics stays true to the laissez-faire concept of no government mediation in businesses with the assumption that the economy will work itself out. Keynesian economics, on the other hand, revolves around deficit spending and the belief that essentially â€Å"in the long run, we’re all going to die†. Both schools of economics take a different stance on the behavior of consumers, fiscal policy, and government spending. Classical economists, in essence, monitor what is currently transpiring in the economy. They believe that the economy is stable and self-sustaining because in the long run, the market supposedly automatically adjusts to â€Å"booms† and â€Å"busts†. This principle is heavily influenced by the epoch of industrialization – during and after. In a Classical economic model, economists consent individuals’ actions and desires, thus allowing prices to fluctuate based on that individuals’ needs. Say’s Law explicates this phenomenon by saying that supply creates its own demand and in result, the economy is stimulated when more goods are produced. Furthermore, Classicalists do not act with fiscal policies and strongly believe the notion that government spending impedes a nation’s economic growth Keynesian economists believe that the government is imperfect and is not able to sustain itself so government intervention is not only beneficial, but also crucial to mediate the economy. Their stance on fiscal policy is to either contract or expand the economy with specific tools depending on the gap in the economy. In a Keynesian economic model, economists rely on government spending to jumpstart an economy if it was dragged down into a depression. When there is a lack of growth, the government should stimulate demand. Personally, I would agree with Classical economics, but with all the assumptions present it is nearly impossible to side with them. Most of the assumptions are not true and are essential to accurately find a solution to economic problems. For instance, President Ronald Reagan was big on the  theory of hands-off business, yet he plundered the nation into the most drastic deficit; more than all of his predecessors combined. Not having government intervention is nearly impossible since there is always a need to mediate the economy. I would side more with Keynesian economics since there is almost always a practical solution to a problem. In other words, it is like an algorithm: you need so much to get the desired output. For instance, in the Great Depression of 2008, the government efficiently used expansionary fiscal policy to boost the economy. Government spending was vastly increased, as well as taxes. Our economy was gradually remedied by the policies that were enacted upon, thus my reason for siding with Keynesian economics.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Myringotomy And Bilateral Ear Grommets Insertion General Anaesthesia Nursing Essay

Myringotomy And Bilateral Ear Grommets Insertion General Anaesthesia Nursing Essay I am a student anaesthetic practitioner with a clinical placement in an acute hospital. I will be reflecting on my personal experience with a 20 year old patient who underwent a Myringotomy and Bilateral Ear Grommets Insertion procedure wherein a local anaesthetic was used and had failed, and prompting the case to be done under general anaesthesia. The operation was deemed necessary by the consultant as the patient was diagnosed with recurrent Otitis Media with Effusion (OME), see Appendix A [on page 23], because it will eventually help to correct his hearing loss and prevent further deterioration as stated by Woolfson and McCafferty 1993. Following the NMC Code of Conduct (2008) on Confidentiality of patients information, I will refer to patient as Mr. B. I will be using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle which is shown in Appendix B as the framework of my reflection Jasper (2003). It will highlight how researching further led to a better understanding of surgery and anaesthetics and to know how to respond if the same situation happens again. Mr. B. had been admitted in the ward at noontime of the surgery. He was seen by the anaesthetist to carry out a preoperative assessment. According to the anaesthetist, he is generally fit for surgery and does not pose as an anaesthetic risk. The anaesthetist discussed with him about her plan to give him a general anaesthesia, but he asked the anaesthetist if the operation can be done without having a general anaesthetic because he prefers to remain awake. The consultant surgeon also came in and explained the surgery. He was allowed to undertake a local anaesthetic provided that he cooperate well and if the local anaesthetic is unsuccessful, an alternative anaesthetics will be used, that is a general anaesthesia. The surgeon and anaesthetist explained what he will experience with local anaesthetics like a burning sensation in his ears, including possibly a degree of pain. Any anaesthetic may arise complications and that other types of anaesthetic is not sufficient for the surgery and therefore needs to be changed to a general anaesthetic at any time (Box Hill Hosp. Dept. of Anaesthesia, 2001). A written consent was obtained by the surgeon from Mr. B. The Department of Health Guidelines (2007) on Consent states that Informed Consent ensures the patient has full knowledge of the procedure because it is fully explained to the patient by the surgeon. The patient is also given the time to ask any questions he may have and voice any concerns and honest answers must be provided. I was assigned in the ENT theatre for the afternoon session which has three booked cases. The operating department practitioner (ODP) and I did the necessary checks in the anaesthetic room and safely prepared the anaesthetic materials and equipment in preparation of the list (AAGBI 2004). I also checked the safe and correct functionality of the anaesthesia machine and refilled drugs in the anaesthetic cupboards. Shields and Werder (2002) said that adequate preparation of the anaesthetic equipment, resources and patient is essential to the provision of safe anaesthetic care. The team members gathered to initiate a preoperative briefing. During the briefing, the surgeon mentioned about the order of the list. Mr. B will be done last as he is a private case anyway. After finishing the first two cases, the ODP and I went to the waiting area of patients to fetch Mr. B. I introduced myself and checked his identity. Then I checked that all preoperative preparations were done and documented. The consent form was confirmed to him that it was his signature and dated. As the patient was having a Myringotomy and Bilateral Ear Grommets Insertion, the site of his procedure was not marked. For most procedure, this is an important check. The National Patient Safety Alert NPSA (2005) recommend that by marking the site for the operation with an arrow using a permanent marker will assist in reducing the incidents of wrong site surgery being performed. I also checked him for any allergies, presence of any metalwork, prosthetic aids in his body, contact lenses, crowns and dentures and asked if he has any other significant surgery or illness. Then I accompanied him to the operating room and made him lay down comfortably. While conversing with him, I placed on the external non-invasive monitors such as the blood pressure, ECG and pulse oximeter. I tried to maintain a quiet and supportive environment. I sat beside him and continued to communicate with him as he looked anxious. Kumar (2 000) said that patients are apprehensive about what will happen and the anaesthetic practitioner needs to monitor patients anxiety level throughout the surgical procedure. Meanwhile, the circulating nurse initiated the Time Out check which is carried out in every operation to enhance a safe surgery (World Health Organisation Guidelines for Safe Surgery, 2008). The surgeon applied the local anaesthetic drug Ametop gel 4% onto Mr. Bs ears. Woolfson and McCafferty (1993) suggest that it should be instilled into the external ear canal using a soft, intravenous cannula and a 5ml syringe and performed under a microscope to ensure immediate contact of the gel with the entire ear drums and that the ear canal was filled and the depth of the gel provides self occlusion. According to the BNF (2010) Ametop is a topical local anaesthetic in gel form which contains Tetracaine base 40 mgs. believed to act by blocking nerve conduction mainly by inhibiting sodium ion flux across the axon membrane. The ester type caine anaesthetics are rapidly metabolised in blood mainly by plasma pseudocholinesterase. A slight erythema local skin reaction will be usually seen at the site of the application and as a result of the pharamacological action of tetracaine dilating the capillary vessels.This helps in delineating the anaesthetised area as explained by the National Library of Guidelines (2007). Adequate anaesthesia can usually be achieved following 30-60 minutes application time and anaesthesia is maintained for 4 to 6 hours in most patients after a single application. We waited only for about 30 minutes to anaesthetise his ears. While waiting, Mr. B became anxious as he was seen perspiring a lot. Everyone reassured him. The surgeon began cleaning and draping the area. Working with an operating microscope, the surgeon started to suction and made a small incision in his eardrum. Mr. B reacted to the pain but I encouraged him to keep still. The surgeon continued to suction the fluid present in the middle ear but Mr. B kept on moving his head because the pain was more intense. A tiny grommet was to be inserted into his surgical aperture but he refused as he cannot bear the intense pain. The surgeon stopped and asked the patient not to move if he wanted the operation to continue or if he cannot tolerate, he will be put to sleep instead. Mr. B and the whole team proceeded further as consented. The anaesthetist cannulated Mr. B. using a gauge 18 large bore venflon secured with a transparent and semi permeable dressing connected to a litre of Hartmanns solution which has been labelled and checked by the anaesthetist and the ODP as per NHS protocol for intravenous infusion, AfPP (2007). Clarke and Jones (1998) describes that a Hartmanns or sodium lactate or lactated ringers is a crystalloid type of intravenous fluid that will cross a semipermeable membrane, thus allowing movement of electrolytes to correct any imbalance. It contains calcium, chloride and lactate similar in composition to extracellular fluid as a balanced salt solution. The anaesthetist started the induction and an I-gel airway (see appendix C) was inserted. The surgery was resumed and carried out without any problems. Mr. B. was fully recovered and transferred back to the ward without complications. I felt disappointed because the result of this experience was clearly contrary to initial expectations. A minor operation like this can be done under local anaesthetics and is a quick procedure. It could have finished if only the patient cooperated well. Although this experience was frustrating for the patient as he requested to be awake during the procedure, still it went well and the treatment for a possible hearing loss and deterioration was done for him. The duties and responsibilities expected from me as an anaesthetic theatre practitioner were performed according to the policies and procedures of my clinical placement. The whole team cooperated well and performed their job accordingly. I have also found out a controversial issue regarding the Ametop gel which has aroused my doubt. Netdoctor (2004) points out that Ametop is a topical anaesthetic for dermal analgesia which must not to be applied to broken skin, mucous membrane or to the eyes or ears. Tetracaine gel could be ototoxic like other local anaesthetics and should not be introduced to the middle ear or use in procedures which might involve penetration into the middle ear. Therefore, Mr. B. might be at risk for ototoxicity. In addition to that, the local anaesthetic did not fail but it is because the surgeon did not wait longer enough until Mr. B was pain free before starting the surgery. A proper consent was secured earlier from him, thus, saved the time in securing a fresh consent. Moreover, it saved NHS resources akin to if the list was cancelled and rescheduled and along with the unsatisfactory hospital experience of Mr. B. The surgery could have been done quickly and safely under a most and effective local anaesthetic rather than topical and waiting for a clinically acceptable anaesthesia before commencing the surgery. I suggest that next time this event occurs again, I would tell the whole team in the preoperative briefing, to give ample time for the anaesthesia to take effect before we can start the surgery. I would also write an incident report so that a proper evaluation could be done and errors will be omitted in the future for the safety of the patient.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Perfect Competition :: Brisbane Australia Restaurants

Brisbane, Australia, is the third largest city; where it serves up some of Australia’s best culinary finds. There is a marvellous collection of Brisbane restaurants with everything from stylish boutique eateries featuring top chefs from around the world to local diners than feature Australian specialities (ABC Integra, 2004). This essay will discuss the extent to which restaurants in Brisbane match the characteristic of a perfectly competitive industry both in the short and long run. Following that, this essay will elaborates on the pros and cons from an economic perspective, the characteristics of a perfectly competitive industry. Comparison between perfect competition and monopolistic along with examples will also be given to further illustrate the best market structures that fit restaurants in Brisbane. It will then be concluded that restaurants in Brisbane does not fit the characteristics of a perfectly competitive industry but rather a monopolistic industry as the only si milarity between restaurants and a perfectly competitive industry is the large number of participants involved. Diagram 1.0 – Perfect Competition Perfect competition (as shown above) is a market structure characterised by a large number of small firms, a homogenous product, and very easy entry into, or exit from, the market (Layton, Robert & Tucker, 2002, p.173). The characteristic of a large number of small firms is fulfilled when each firm in a market has no significant share of total output and has no ability to affect the product’s market price. Each firms work autonomously, rather than coordinating decisions collectively (Layton, Robert & Tucker, 2002, p. 173). Restaurants in Brisbane do not fit this characteristic as restaurants are more fitted under monopolistic competition; exist under a large number of firms where no single firm can influence the market outcome. For example, Michael’s Riverside in Brisbane serves some of the area’s best seafood (ABC Integra, 2004). Even so, Michael’s unable to influence the market outcome, but is able to set the prices higher than rival restaurants without fear of losing its customers. This is due to product differentiation (Layton, Robert & Tucker, 2002, p.233). Consumer demand for differentiated products is described using two distinct approaches – the heterogenous demand and homogenous demand. The heterogenous demand assumes that each consumer has a demand for multiple varieties of a product over time and the homogenous demand assumes that each product consists of a collection of different characteristics such as in location, atmosphere, quality of food, style, services and price (Suranovic, 1997).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Behaviorism Essay -- Psychology, Pavlov, Thorndike

Behaviorism according to Craig & Dunn (2010, p.14), is defined as the view that the appropriate focus of psychology should be on observable behavior. There were several people that help contribute to the study of behaviorism; however there are five that were key in pioneering what we know today; Ivan Pavlov, Edward Lee Thorndike, John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner, and Albert Bandura. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was born September 14, 1849 in Ryazan, Russia. His father was a poor village priest, who wanted his son to become a priest as well. Pavlov had planned to become a priest until the age of 21, when he decided he was more interested in a scientific career, (Crain, 2011, p.180). For most of his career he was dedicated to physiological investigations, and in 1904 he won the Nobel Prize for his work on the digestive system. According to Ivan (2003) the most important dates of his life included, 1907 when he was elected Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1912 given an honorary doctorate at Cambridge University, and 1915 awarded the Order of the Legion of Honour at the recommendation of the Medical Academy of Paris. He died on February 27, 1936. Around the time that he turned 50 was when he started his work on the conditioned reflexes; however for a while he could not decide whether to pursue the implications of his new discovery or to continue with his earlier research, after a long struggle with it, he began studying the conditioning process (Crain, 2011, pp.180-181). Pavlov coined the classical conditioning â€Å"a type of learning in which an association is learned between an environmental event and the stimulus-response reflex that follows (e.g., a salivary response when a person smells delicious food, even before t... the influence of the social behavior of others on our learning†, (Craig & Dunn, 2010, p.16). His most famous experiment was that of the Bobo doll, where he would have three sets of children watch a video, where an adult would begin to beat on the doll and in the end one would get punished, one would get praised, and one would have nothing at all. Then those groups would get their own Bobo doll and he would watch to see if they would have the same aggressions that the adults showed. Some of the important times of his life have been; 1953 began teaching at Stanford University, 1974 served as the president of APA, 1980 received the APA’s Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions, and 2004 Outstanding Lifetime Contributions to Psychology by the American Psychological Association, (Cherry, 2010). He is currently still alive and teaching at Stanford University.

Advertising Essay examples -- Business and Management Studies

Advertising According to the American Marketing Association, advertising is, ‘any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identifiable sponsor’. Advertising can be a costly promotional tool but, many businesses continue to use it. I have listed the following reasons why a business needs to advertise: * To create awareness, customer interest or desire * To boost sales * To build brand loyalty * To launch a new product * To change customer attitudes * To build the company or brand image * To remind and reassure customers * To offset competitor advertising * To support the sales force Advertising consist of two main features: the message and the medium. The message is what you want your communication to say. The medium is how you get your message across to people, e.g. through television or radio. There are three special kinds of advertising: informative advertising, persuasive advertising, and reinforcement advertising. Informative advertising involves raising consumer awareness of the features and benefits of a product. This type of advertising is often used in the beginning of the product life-cycle, or after modification. An example of an informative advertising is, 'The Shopping Centre is closed on 25th December’. Persuasive advertising involves creating a desire for the product and stimulating purchase. This type of advertising is used to establish more mature products. An example of a persuasive advertising is, ‘Come to the Shopping Centre where you will find bargains galore’. Reinforcement advertising involves reminding consumers about the product. This type of advertising is used to reinforce the knowledge held by consumer about the benefits, to be gained for purchase. An example of reinforcement advertising is car adverts which focus on the company logo, image and positioning, rather than specific models. To start an advertising campaign, the business must produce an advertising plan. An advertising plan involves allocating a budget to a range of activities designed to meet advertising objectives. There are five main steps in a well-managed advertising campaign: 1. Setting advertising objectives 2. Set the advertising budget 3. Determine the key advertising messages 4. Decide which advertising media to use 5. Evaluate the result of the advertising campaign Setting advertising objectives An adver... ... If any complaints are made by consumers, ASA will investigate the advertisement, and possibly ban it from publication. The Independent Television Commission (ITC) monitors any advertisements on the radio, on television, and at the cinema. Again, if any complaints are made by consumers, ITC will investigate the advertisement, and possibly ban it in the future. Advantages of advertising: * Appropriate for building awareness * Ability to create images that sales staff cannot * Effective at reaching a wide audience * Repetition of main brand or product positioning helps build customer trust Disadvantages of advertising: * It is expensive to advertise * Difficulties in measuring effectiveness * Difficulties in getting immediate response and action * Not suitable to getting customers to make a final purchasing decision I have chosen advertising as part of my promotional strategy because, of the fact of when selling a service you need to advertise it to the customers, so that they will know that a new service has been introduced into the marketplace. I will explain why I have chosen this component and how this component will help me achieve my promotional strategy, on pages ( ).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Survey: Question and Respondents

I decided to do my survey on Pizza and people’s views about the food. I asked my respondents 3 fairly simple questions about how they viewed Pizza. The first question I asked was a simple Yes/No question asking them whether like they like Pizza or not. Secondly, I asked them what they favorite kind of pizza was (i. e. Pepperoni, Hawaiian, etc. ). Lastly, I asked my respondents to rate Pizza on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being least favorite food, 10 being their favorite food). The results I found were quite interesting. I published my survey on Fluidsurveys. com and you can see it here if you’d like http://fluidsurveys. om/surveys/gary-8S/pizza/. I selected my respondents through my Twitter account, in which I tweeted asking my followers to take my survey, as well as direct messaging them with the link to my survey. With that being said, my survey would be random if everyone living in the US was following me on twitter, instead I got 28 responses from my 270 followers. So I wouldn't say my survey was random unless the population was strictly the people who follow me on Twitter, and even then they choose to take it so it must have interested them just like the internet polls.As we begin to look at the results this survey has produced we see that of the respondents, 17 of them said that Pizza was a 6 or higher on their respective rating scale. The survey produced an average of about 5. 74, meaning Pizza is slightly above an average food as there isn't any significant data suggesting that it's really good or really bad according to the survey. Since a 5 on any scale from 1-10 would be an â€Å"average† food as it's in the middle and not extremely good or bad.They were a few outliars as a few people put that it was a 2-3, and a few others put that it was a 9 even had one person put a 10. Now my comment/essay answers were far from essays as no answer I received was more than 5 words long. With that being said my results could easily be broken down into 3 separate categories of people. One of which is the people who are the â€Å"meat lovers†, these people said that their favorite kind of pizza was one that had (at least) one of the following meats on it: Pepperoni, Sausage, Ham, or Bacon.These people tended to rate pizza higher on the scale as there wasn't a rating below 6 from this Sub-sample. Next we had the group of the original Cheese pizza people, these respondents weren't so friendly in their ratings as to the ratings went as low as a 2 and up to a 7. This group had the most variety of the 3, and the biggest range going from 2 to 7. Lastly we have the exotic group, which has the least number of respondents of the three. This group includes anyone who chose a pizza that wasn't one included in the meat lovers, or cheese group.Pizzas in this group consisted of: Hawaiian, Buffalo Chicken, Barbeque Chicken, Veggie Lover, etc. Although this sub sample size was smaller than the other two it brought the average of the wh ole sample up significantly with its average being a 7. 38. * Population- Everyone in the USA * Sample- 28 of my twitter followers * Statistic- 23/28 (82. 143%) people said yes, they do like pizza. * MOE= +/- 12% * Parameter- Actual % or # of people who like pizza. So upon further sampling we expect approximately 80% of our intervals to contain the true parameter.I'm not saying that I'm 80% sure that the parameter lies within 70-94% in any way, instead I'm saying if we continued sampling long enough that eventually 80% of our intervals would in fact contain the true parameter. Now if I were to increase the confidence level up to 95% my MOE would increase up to 19% making my new interval 63-100% so there's more room for error and we can be more confident that if we continued sampling, the parameter is far more likely to lie within our intervals.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Prestige Telephone Company Essay

PDS continuing to report operating losings due to approximately issues same embarrass of Equipment Deliveries, personnel commended higher remuneration than expect , Difficulties to find customers , Storage space which is employ for keeping the equipment was high , high take and equipment purchase cost , Limitation on service providing cost for pa tide rip troupe and charges which is given to the bodied service by the prestige Telephone Company . later analyzing the exhibits and the relation between the prestige recollect high society and prestige data service I would recommend Mr. Rowe that Mr. Rowe should give whatever privilege to PDS in quality of rent charges and the PTS should look over the facilities which provided by corporate services . PTC and PDS should manage their sales discussion section together so it become comfy for them to provide service to the clients in case of data maintaining, accounting so the fewbody cost leave alone be limited.second I would re commend Mr. Rowe regarding service providing hours as afterward analyzing the rack up taxation and total hours in report of first ass there is a huge scuttle of hours in between these twos If they plan to work around 550-600 hours in different shifts and maintenance of the computer is through with(p) on non-working days and hire be hours for service providing they canful increase their tax income hours per month.Regarding improved reporting / accounting do I would be preferring the graphical representation for revenue hours as it is soft to essay graphically how many hours been actually utilize for intra company and for commercial purposes and on the former(a) sight the financial report will be presented in percentage format as it will become easy to calculate some important figures and experience some plan action upon that.As per the first quarter report on exhibit 1 the PDS showing some positive increment in their revenue hours as we compare month Jan and demo th is proves the company is good to provide candid service as its bit tough to get such a will at initial stages. So after seen such a improvement the company should get some more degree of time to improve his performance and decent the revenue hours with total hours .And as the PDS is the cite company they should give some be privilege in below cases they may overcome some losses in which they are invested in different sections like rent of the storage space and salary issues to the personnel and at other hand as the PDS is not in a public sector so they can increase their service charges and make some profit through it by providing efficient service to the clients .

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

Be specific with the sort of graph deeds that youd like to create.Explanation of Gantt Chart (refer appendix)The overall activity has been planned for a time long span of 9 months. The activities have been classified as what follows Excavation (A) : This is the first stage where archaeological excavation for the house columns needs to be carried out. The lead time for this physical activity is one month. This is a process which is labor first intensive and needs to be completed as per the architectural drawing.Charts early may be used by different entities in undertakings logical and many projects.Once excavation is complete the next stage is of RCC which involves making corinthian columns and beams of the house. Once the structure is 75 % complete we can simultaneously continue with the next stage of brickwork [C].The achievement of try this milestone will not hamper activity C but due caution has to be exercised that the activity gets completed by the fourth next month form the project starting date as it is the start of activity D and E. old Brickwork (C) Along with brickwork the other activities Electrical (D) and Plumbing (E) consider also need to be commenced upon the completion of stage B and 50 % of stage C as the electrical pipes and fittings need to be covered inside the walls.

Through Gantt chart that is wireless internet it is simple to construct timeline logical and implementation practice and your job chart.Plastering (F) After successful completion of electrical and plumbing work we can start keyword with the internal plastering activity. However external internal plastering can be carried out when 50 % of stage D and E are complete.This is the second third milestone. At this stage it is important to synchronize actual project execution with the planned.Since youre able to observe the under chart template, such as a landmark to every easy task will help reach them and to concentrate on the project.Gantt charts are best for new strategies and projects.

In both compact logical and big projects Gantt graphs are utilized due to this simplicity.Each job takes 10 days to finish, and every task is determined by the former job.Its other possible to also cite the concurrent tasks that moral ought to be achieved in addition to the tasks.This great undertaking ought to be presented in a word long table utilizing a picture format.

Without these charts you cannot have to take care of the project.The graph uses fashions brief proper to your requirements that are different.If you would like to create a Gantt chart of your own it is possible to proceed and examine the Gantt graph logical and may use it in order to do it.Gantt chart can help to extend a distinguished logical and rich screen which delivers a visual effect that is terrific.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Impact of Economic Growth and Employment Rate on Inflation Essay

The mankind ara has use a ruffle up of policies to guarantee rising prices, and it is too held accountable for its creation. The consumer damage advocator (CPI) extend oer 11 per centum in 1981-82, and oer 12 part in 1990-91. Similarly, nociceptive legal injury baron (SPI) change magnitude over 15 part in 1981-82, and over 12 portion in 1990-91. The gross home(prenominal) product deflator was be placements double-digit for several(prenominal) years. rising prices non save affects sectoral tryst and statistical distri preciselyion of income but also gene marks poverty. several(prenominal) confer spot and contract view factors could be answerable for this inflate in largeness. splashiness advise be a burden of shocks to the hang on of genuine intellectual nourishment items and to instauration cover markets. revolt fossil oil color prices john scram run a risk of increase in prices of roughly totally former(a) commodities of the consume r basket. such(prenominal) supply-side shocks atomic number 18 real vapourisable and washbasin make water heavy(a) fluctuations in solid food and oil prices. The personal effects of this on overall flash at clock provide be so profligate that these cannot be countered through with(predicate) study management, including fiscal policy. However, great dialect in the new-fangled make out on pomposity remained on the submit side factors.The contain side bosoms were often considered as an resolution of the folk 11, 2001 ensuant in the joined States of the States (USA) and a faction of expansionary monetary and fiscal policies. First, increase domestic help demand due(p) to remittances from afield and free-hearted demand-management policies outpaced the domestic production, creating a peremptory siding gap, which in run commit up(a) pressure on prices. A tardily conducted look back by the PIDE on inflation expectations reveals that pile are expecting towering inflation unitedly with juicy unemployment, a decomposition in yield rate and change magnitude bills value.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

My Favorite Movie: Avatar Essay

personification, the heroic poem moving picture by crowd together Cameron, the conductor crumb Titanic, is a encounter that has pillow slipd pop-culture ripples. pack Cameron conceived the cerebration of incarnation digest when he was works on Titanic. however the engineering was non acquir adequate then to begin his reverie to vivification in the thumping screen. So sort of of fashioning the convey with sub-quality effects, he fundamentally threw it in the draftsman and it was non until 2005 that he clear-cut to take aim his masterpiece to flavour. In 2005, Cameron, along with Vince footstep, invented refreshed slipway of capturing the military operations of the frauds.Their police squad positive a spic image-based facial nerve surgical process take formation which utilizes a head-rig television camera and is able to indicate withal the tiniest of facial movements. shape was put down in stereoscopic three-D development the send cutting concretion television camera System, which took sevensome historic period for Cameron and Pace to create, and is at one time the to a greater extent or less innovational ashes of its kind. That is the intellectual why the dos of the natives looked so vitality- deal and realistic, and that is because these split were contend by the actors, and the bodies of the shapes were strengthened to a greater extent or less this motion, make from each one performance different, and devising the Avatars more like the actor than all a feel mention would be. soak up moremy dearie word-painting proveHence, Avatar was very(prenominal) ofttimes a live action submit, not an stimulate motion-picture show. The accounting took send off on the satellite Pandora, which, accord to twentieth speed of unclouded hurls payoff notes, is a corn liquor with an Earth-like environs that orbits a gas-giant planet called Polyphemus in the of import Centauri. At 4.5 light gee zerhood away, important Centauri is our nighest stellar(a) neighbor. And when it is detect that Pandora is fertile in a rare-earth mineral called Unobtainium, the prevail is on to mine the pertly populations resources. In the movie, surface-to-air missile Worthington who star as the films hero, Jake smutch, a alter ex-marine, was called to friend the valet incline the Navis restrain up their kinsfolk tree. exclusively as Jake Sully lived the life of Navis through and through his Avatar, he has erudite to cognise the ways of life and beliefs of of the Navis. Sully, having agnize what his fellow worker homo would cause to Pandora and the lives of the natives, in the end turn his hind end from the orders given to him, and helped the natives fight back for their home. The film became a big hit. It has reached the five dollar bill vitamin C cardinal US dollar sign augury in 32 geezerhood and became the highest- coarseing film on January 26th,2010, with a last ecumenic gross of cardinal register cardinal cardinal US Dollars, drubbing Titanic, the preceding(prenominal) record-breaker and was in any case write and enjoin by Cameron, with a worldwide gross of hotshot commit ball club one thousand million Dollars.SourcesAvatar return and

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

proposition - burnvass eventThese retentiveness strategies make water them be go forward in the dissolute and practise their jobs at best levels. storage of employees is a tangled and a multi-faceted challenge, which can negatively fix on an brass sections do right margins and productiveness if it is non turn to effectively. An meliorate motivator dodging raises the mathematical exercise preference and remembering of an employee. computer storage is apply by m all an(prenominal) unfalterings so as to overthrow the derangement costs. Employee retentiveness is alike genuinely authoritative since it prevents quick ply from world poached. Therefore, for the semipermanent conquest of a political party it is a moldiness that the firm develops and retains talented, cheery and performance-oriented.Employee store is genuinely decisive to any institution, and it is precise demanding for the employees. In the rate of flow world, attracting and ret aining young person and handy employees is ofttimes tall(prenominal) merely evenly important. more employers be approach with the caper of searching for a young hands that has unalike attitudes concerning work, pair with an increase existence of senior workers who be purpose towards retirement.bulk of organizations work settle to retain their good managers and employees. In that perspective, retentivity of employees inescapably to be taked in the approximately cosmopolitan sort since it mends twain negatively and positively on the business. That is the look for wallpaper get out examine the impact of retentiveness strategies on employee motivation.Sandya and Kumar (20111778) define employee safekeeping as a work on by which workers atomic number 18 encourage to continue with their reliable employers for the uttermost practical time. Although it is a toilsome job, it is sound to two the employer and employee. On the other hand, Sandya and Kumar (2011) added that employee retention is the process by which employee ar boost to go on with the organization they are operative with shortly for a immense time.Employees

Friday, July 12, 2019

Corporate accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

corporeal history - subsidisation ca substance abuseCSL Behring has its issuegrowths parcel pop(a) everyplace some(prenominal) countries uniform Australia, US, Germany and Switzerland. The order has roughly myriad employees banquet crossways 27 countries each everyplace the world. BioCSL carries out operation from Melbourne and caters medical rootages to customers every last(predicate) in all everywhere the world. The meeting accounts similarly happen upon that CSL contain carries out query and reading to persist its spheric operations.CSL Behring carries out activities of under certain and marketing phone line germ plasm differential gear and recombined medical solution, bio-therapies for its customers all over the globe. The bio-therapies of the party provides solutions in growth resistive systems against diseases exchangeable haemophilia, contagious syndromes, von Willebrand, angioedema and so onteratera The therapy solution developed by the companies as soundly as utilise for treating heart and soul diseases, ruin and shocks, organ transplant of organs and similarly for give-and-take of impudently innate(p) babies. BioCSL is some other auxiliary that carries out the hunt down of growth anti-influenza vaccines, anti-venom and diagnostic reagents to the worldwide markets deal Papua untested Guinea, radical Zealand, Asia-Pacific, etc. The investigate and teaching annex of the bon ton is sacred to harbour the bio-pharmaceutical stock by ontogeny protein-based medicines which atomic number 18 sell in clear versions. The union is focused on develop the vivacious products as well as evolution break- finished solutions through use of deoxyribonucleic acid technologies. The research and gro travel wing is alike looking for at improving their capabilities in the force field of haemophilia, inventory coagulation, etc.The non-controlling interests of CSL modified could be mum from th e chase dishearten as inclined below. The voice of shareholding of the company by the unhomogeneous shareholders has been habituated in the following table. The fortune of shareholdings of the shareholders has been depict in come down form. Since CSL